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Check and Search Online Income Tax Exemption Status of Trusts, Institutions, NGO, NPO under section 12A, 80G, 10(23C)

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All of you must have noticed the newly redesigned website of income tax department.  One of the features of the website is online search and check of income tax exemption status of various trusts, non-government-profit organizations, charitable institutions under Income Tax Act, 1961. Presently, the facility for search and check has been provided for exemptions granted by Chief Commissioner or Director General under following sections namely;




Fund or Institutions with Charitable objects of National/State  importance


Trust/Institutions for public religious/charitable purposes


University/Educational Institution existing solely for educational purposes


Hospital/other institution existing solely for philanthropic purposes


Income from Property held for charitable purposes


Deductions for donation to funds/charitable institutions

Steps for online verification are as under:

1. Go to Income Tax website

Visit website Click Here >>

Click on Box “Tax Information and Services

3. Select Tax Exemption Institutions

There are twelve services under the tab “Tax Information and Services” namely;

Tax Services

Tax Dictionary

Tax Tutorials

Tax Offices

Tax Helpline

Tax Charts and Tables

Tax Tools

Tax Information

Tax Calendar

Tax FAQs

Tax Utilities

Tax Exemption Institutions

click on “Tax Exemption Institutions”

4. Select Search Options

The search page can display the exemption status of any specific entity or a list based on any of the following information:

1. Name of the Agency
2. PAN of the Agency
3. Approval Section
4. Address
5. Free Text Search (For multiple keywords search please use space between each keywords)

Apart from above, the option for advance search can also be used to refine the search on the basis of State, City, CCIT/DGIT, date of order or date of withdrawal.









The search brings out a list of all entities matching your search criteria. For example, a search with name “jan sewa” presented the following list of eight pages consisting of 145 records:

For the desired entity, click on the name in the list and the following information is disclosed for the entity selected.
Name, Address, State, City, CCIT-CCA/DGIT(Exemptions), CCIT, CIT, Approval section, date of order, Date of withdrawal and Remarks.

This new facility by Income Tax Department would help millions of tax payers who donate to these entities in knowing their income tax exemption status online.

income tax exemption status search
See Video Tutorial
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