Excel for
1. What is the role of EVC?
2. If EVC shall be applicable to manually filed Income Tax Returns?
3. Which ITRs can be verified through EVC?
4. To which Assessment Year EVC shall apply
5. Shall EVC replace Sending paper acknowledgement in ITR-V?
6. Who can verify ITRs through EVC?
7. Can one EVC be used for multiple ITRs?
8. Can one EVC be used for multiple Assessment Years?
9. How longer Shall EVC generated remain alive?
10. What are the different ways of generating EVC? (a) Net-banking (b) Aadhaar One Time Password (OTP) (c) Automatic teller Machines (ATM) of Banks (d) Email and Mobile Code
11. Is there any limitation on choosing EVC generation methods?
12. What is the structure of EVC?
Read More on EVC: