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Beware of Fraudulent Spam mail in the name of Income Tax Department- 30000 Rs. deducted from your net banking account

ABCAUS Excel for Chartered Accountants

Excel for
Chartered Accountants

Today, number of income tax payers, have received  the following email:

Dear Tax Payer,

Your Tax payment was successful. 30,000 Rs has been deducted from your Net banking Account.

Please download and save a copy of your tax receipt below.


Income Tax Department

Note that this email is purportedly sent through the email id of and not from

What is the risk of this email? 

The link given in the email though made to look like as those of NSDL, redirects to another website and automatically starts downloading an infected and trojan file named If downloaded and run this file would trigger installation of malicious trojan virus on your computer or device which can seriously compromise your security and hack personal/financial information stored.

Every one must be aware that the income tax department or RBI does not sent any emails of this nature. In fact National website of Income Tax Department also hosts an advisory to this effect as under:

The Income Tax Department   NEVER   asks for your PIN numbers, passwords or similar access information for credit cards, banks or other financial accounts through e-mail.  

The Income Tax Department appeals to taxpayers  
NOT    to respond to such e-mails and   NOT   to share information relating to their credit card, bank and   other financial accounts .

Therefore, please ignore the email, mark it as spam, do not click on the link, do not run the downloaded zip file. Shred the file if downloaded.

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