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Ministry of Finance-Press Release

Shift in the Focus of the Income Tax Department (ITD) from Civil Consequences to Criminal Consequences in Serious Cases of Tax Evasion;  

During 2014-15 (upto Dec, 2014) the ITD Has Conducted Searches in 414 Groups, Seized Undisclosed Assets of Rs. 582 Crore;  

Undisclosed Income of Rs. 6769 Crore has been Admitted by the Tax Payers  

During 2014-15 (upto Dec, 2014) the Income Tax Department (ITD) has conducted searches in 414 groups and seized undisclosed assets of Rs. 582 crore. Undisclosed income of Rs. 6769 crore has been admitted by the tax payers during such searches. The undisclosed income detected as a result of further enquiries is however much more.  

Besides, 1174 surveys conducted upto November, 2014 led to detection of undisclosed income of Rs. 4673 crore.  

Focus of investigation in the Income Tax Department (ITD) had so far been on civil consequences i.e. revenue augmentation.  

In its crusade against black money and with a view to have credible deterrence against generation of black money, the Government has shifted the focus to successfully prosecute the offenders in shortest possible time.  

Wilful attempt to evade tax is a serious offence punishable under Section 276C of the Income Tax Act, 1961 with imprisonment upto 7 years and fine.  

During the current year 628 prosecution complaints have been filed upto December, 2014 56 of such prosecution complaints relate to offences concerning undisclosed foreign income .

Shift in the Focus of the Income Tax Department from Revenue Agumentation to Offenders Prosecution in Serious Cases of Tax Evasion |12-02-2015|

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