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CBDT Instruction 8/2014. Rationalisation of Scrutiny Assessment of Fish Farmers Running Fresh Water Fish Tanks as per Acre Spread Area Estimation

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Chartered Accountants

Instruction No.08/2014

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Direct Taxes

Room No. 143E, North-Block, New-Delhi
Dated the 27'" of October, 2014


All  Pr. Chief-Commissioners of lncome-tax/Chief-Commissioners   of  Income-tax
All  Pr. Directors-General of Income-tax/Directors-General of  Income-tax


Subject: - Framing of scrutiny assessments in cases of fish farmers involved in running  inland fresh water fish tanks-regarding-

Representations have been received by the Board from various quarter regarding difficulties being faced on account of surveys and income-tax scrutiny assessments by fish farmers, being involved in business and profession of running inland fresh water fish tanks specifically in cases where the books-of-accounts are not being maintained by the assessees concerned.

2. While conducting  scrutiny in  such  cases, issue arises about quantification of income  from  activity of  fish  farming during the  relevant  financial year. As the books-of-accounts are unavailable, an Assessing Officer is required to assess the income from activity of fish farming on estimated basis. While making such estimates on basis of 'per Acre water spread area’, it has been reported  that there are wide disparities in the figure of income being so estimated as non-uniform yardsticks/benchmarks are being adopted by the different Assessing Officers. Likewise, in such cases,taxpayers estimate their income on basis benchmarks prescribed in earlier circular of the Board in P.No. 225/222/93/ITA.II dated 19.10.1993 which for the Assessment Year 1993-94, on 'per Acre water spread area' basis, prescribed a rate of Rs. 4,000/- as income from activity of fish culture in Andhra Pradesh. On the basis of this limit, taxpayers claimed that their income is computable after due consideration of the price index for the relevant year. While this approach in estimating the income on basis of parameter determined way back in the year 1993 by merely accounting for the inflation as suggested by the Farmers association,  may be a  ready and  rough  method,  it may  not  represent  the current situation and business reality. It is also apparent that conflicting views of the Assessing Officers lead to framing of subjective and high pitched assessments, which besides leading to infructuous work for the Department, causes harassment and grievances to the taxpayer concerned.

3. Therefore, considering the genuine difficulties (business located in far off and interior areas lacking banking facilities, vagaries of nature including availability of water, lack of education and knowledge of accounting, etc.) being faced, for proper administration of relevant provisions of the lncome-tax Act, 1961 ('Act') to cases of fish farmers, Board is of the view that uniform and appropriate norms may be applied while computing income from fish culture on basis of  'per Acre of water  spread  area'. To ensure consistency  in  approach, a committee comprising of two Commissioners and two representatives  of the fish farmers or fish   farmers'  association   may  be  constituted   by  the Pr. Chief-Commissioner to determine reasonably the income that may be estimated for the financial year. In making such a determination, due consideration of various local factors and inputs from the concerned agency of the State Government may also be obtained. A Suitable standard benchmark may also be adopted for estimating water spread area as a percentage of total land area. While passing scrutiny assessments in cases of fish farmers, Assessing Officers may apply the benchmarks as prescribed by the committee, to cases falling under their respective jurisdiction. In the scrutiny assessments, no further deduction under sections 30 to 38 of the Act shall be allowed to the taxpayer concerned as the income from activity of fish farming is being on net basis after due consideration of allowable business expenses in such an estimation.

4. Further, section 133A of the Act may not be invoked in discriminately for purposes of mere estimation of the income of fish farmers and may only be undertaken in those cases where the Department has credible and verifiable information about taxes being evaded by the person engaged in business or profession of running inland fresh water fish tanks.

5. It is reiterated that the above guideline applies only to cases of fish farmers running inland fresh water fish tanks, who are not maintaining books-of-accounts in the regular course of business  as per the requirement of section 44AA(2) of the Act.

6. the above guideline is applicable to cases under scrutiny in the current financial year and subsequent financial years.

7. This may be brought to the notice of all concerned for necessary compliance.

Rohit Garg

Deputy Secretary to the Government of India

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