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Directorate of Income Tax (Systems) F.NO.DIT(S)-2/CASS/2014 - 15/16205 Date: 24.09.2015
To, Madam/Sir, Subject: Generation of scrutiny notices u/s 143(2) for PAN selected in CASS-2015 - regarding. (Time barring matter) Kindly refer to letter no.F.no.-DIT(S)-2/CASS/2014-15/16153 dated 17-09-2015, AST. Instruction no.137 dated 28-08-2015 and AST Instruction no. 138 dated 18-09-2015 requiring Assessing officers to generate scrutiny notices u/s 143(2) for PANs selected in cycle 1 and cycle 2 of CASS-2015. 2. It is seen that till 23-09-2015 , notices u/s 143(2) have not been issued in 3,663 cases. The Pr. CCIT wise breakup of 3663 cases in which notices have not been issued is as following: :
3. These 3663 cases include 458 cases which are lying with inactive codes.With reference to 458 cases which are lying with inactive codes , a letter no DIT(S)-2/CASS/2014-15/16205 , dated 23/09/2015 has been communicated to field through ITAXNET. 4. An Assessing Officer wise summary of pending notices and list of such cases as mention in para 1 is available on ITAXNET. [Path: Resources -> Download -> Systems-> Generation of scrutiny notices u/s 143(2) required] 5.As you are aware the validity of most of Remote Security Authentication (RSA) tokens will expire on 2ih September, 2015 (Refer letter F.No. ADG(S)-IV/2015-16, dated 21-08-2015 issued by ADG(S)-4 in respect of 'Replacement of RSA Tokens'), therefore you are requested to make arrangements for issue of scrutiny notices u/s 143(2) well before the time barring date i.e. 30.09.2015. Yours faithfully,
(Sanjeev Singh)