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ABCAUS Excel for Chartered Accountants

Excel for
Chartered Accountants

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Tax Audit/ITRs Due Date ExtensionIt has been a disappointing news till date, with none of the courts coming out favourably and only adjourning the case to a date closer to deadline

I was going to the income tax efiling website...

If you look the Schema for Form 3CA-3CD and 3CA-3CB has been updated by the department as late as yesterday 24th Sep 2015

Also the schema for ITR Validation have been changed on 24th Sep 2015......!!

If department releases / modify a schema so late, when will the CA's get the softwares updated to enable them to file tax audit will the assesses be able to prepare the tax returns properly so that the get validated...?

schema Updation

ITRs Validation rules

I feel you must make this info available to all the people who have filed cases, so that it can be argued when the case comes for hearing on Monday.


Raghothama Rao

Schema for Form 3CA-3CD and 3CA-3CB/ITR Validations have been updated by the Income-tax Department as Late as Yesterday 24th Sep 2015 | 25-09-2015 |

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