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ABCAUS Excel for Chartered Accountants

Excel for
Chartered Accountants

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F.No. Dir (Hqrs.)/Ch(DT)/32(01)/2015/728
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Direct Taxes

North Block, New Delhi,
Dated the 31 st July,2015

Office Order

In view of the RFD targets 2015-16   on reforming Tax administration,  the CBDT has decided  that once the Aayakar Sewa Kendras (ASK) are set up and become operational, their administration and control shall henceforth be vested with Pr. DGlT (Admn.) instead of Pr. DGIT (Logistics).

2. Relevant files regarding monitoring and · setting up of existing ASKs along with all correspondence may be transferred to the office of Pr. DGlT (Admn.) by Pr. DGIT (Logistics)

3. Pr. DGIT (Systems) may take necessary  steps to  provide  access to Pr·. DGIT (Admn.) for viewing the data related to pendency and disposal at ASKs through  Sevottam Software.

4. Pr. CCsIT may issue necessary instructions to the concerned offices under their  respective jurisdiction where ASKs  have  been  setup  and become operational so as to ensure that all correspondence with respect to these ASKs are taken up with the office of Pr. DGIT (Admn.).

(Anil Uniyal)
Director (Hqrs.)

CBDT Order to Transfer the Management of existing Aayakar Sewa Kendras (ASK) to DGIT (admn) from DGIT (Logistics) | 03-08-2015 |

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