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ABCAUS Excel for Chartered Accountants

Excel for
Chartered Accountants

F. No. A.50050/125/2014·Ad.l
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue

New Delhi, dated the  17 th November, 2014

Office Order

In continuation of this department's Officer Order No 265/2014 dated 31.l0.2014 regarding appointment of Shri K.V.Chowdary as adviser on black money, the terms of reference and terms of conditions of his appointment as adviser will be as under ;

A Terms of 'Reference

i.     Assisting the SIT on behalf of the Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance.

ii.     lssues relating to and supervision and monitoring of the work/enquiries under Direct Taxes on information receivedIobtained from foreign jurisdiction.

iii.    Overseeing black money related matters being considered by the SIT, in particular, the issues relating to seamless sharing of information amongst the LEAs and the need for a common database.

iv.   Supervising non-statutory matters out of the subjects being handled by the Member (Inv) in CBDT including overseeing progress of investigations and subsequent actions in cases concerning undisclosed foreign bank accounts/assets and search cases under Direct Taxes.

v.    Any other work specifically assigned by the Hon'ble Finance Minister or the Revenue Secretary.

B. Terms of Conditions:

i      The appointment of Shri K V Chowdary as adviser on contract basis is for a period of 6 months or till further order whichever is earlier.

ii      During the period of the contract Shri K V Chowdary will draw the remuneration equivalent to the last pay drawn including allowances  minus pension.

iii     He  is eligible  for  all the facilities which  he was  enjoying as Chairman, CBDT.

iv    He will be provided supporting staff as he was provided in the capacity of Chairman., CBDT

(Rajinder Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Government of India

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Term of Reference of Ex CBDT Chairman K V Chowdary who is appointed Advisor to assist Special Investigation Team (SIT) on Black Money

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