Striking off name of company

  • Companies Act

Public notice for striking off names of 147 Limited Liability Partnerships by West Bengal ROC

Public notice for striking off names of 147 Limited Liability Partnerships by West Bengal ROC u/s 75 of Limited Liability…

6 years ago
  • MCA

ROC Kerala and Lakshadweep show cause notice to 27 LLP for striking off name

ROC Kerala and Lakshadweep show cause notice to 27 LLP for striking off name for not filing any financial statements.…

7 years ago
  • Companies Act

ROC Gwalior show cause notice to 70 LLP for striking off name

ROC Gwalior show cause notice to 70 LLP for striking off name for not filing any financial statements for the…

7 years ago
  • MCA

Public Notice for striking off-removal of 81 LLPs. Objection to be filed within one month

Public Notice for striking off-removal of 81 LLPs from the register and dissolve them. Objection to be filed within one…

7 years ago
  • MCA

LLP Application to Registrar for striking off name in Form 24. MCA Notification

LLP Application to Registrar for striking off name in Form 24 when ceased to carry on its business or commercial…

7 years ago
  • Companies Act

Striking off name of company us 560-ROC order set aside by Delhi High Court holding that object of section 560(6) is to give a chance to revive the company

Striking off name of company us 560-ROC order set aside  Delhi High Court restored the name of the company by…

8 years ago