Category: FCRA

FCRA advisory on fake/fraud emails in the name of officials of MHA

FCRA issues advisory against fake/fraud emails/documents being circulated in the name of officials of Ministry of Home Affairs Ministry of Home Affairs (FCRA Division) has issued an alert regarding instances of fraudulent emails / communications containing fake logos, fake official email addresses, fake documents using names of officials …

FCRA new Helpdesk system launched by Home Ministry

FCRA new Helpdesk system launched by Home Ministry A new FCRA) Helpdesk system has been launched. Under the new system one may submit his/her query / issues through three mediums as under: (i) through website: (ii) through email support (iii) through telephone number  011-23077501 and 011-23077505 …

Extension of Further Extension of validity of FCRA registration certificates till 30.09.2023

No.II/21022/23(22)/2020-FCRA-IIIGovernment of India Ministry of Home Affairs (Foreigners Division-FCRA) First Floor, Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium, India Gate Circle, New Delhi-110001 Dated: the 24th March, 2022 PUBLIC NOTICE Subject: Extension of the validity of FCRA registration certificates  ln continuation of Ministry of Home Affairs’ Public Notice No. IU21022/23(22)/2020- …