Tag: reopening 148
Reopening u/s 148 was rightly done as income of the company was shifted to partnership firm to avoid tax by setting off bad debts – SLP dismissed by Supreme Court In a recent order/judgment, Hon’ble Supreme Court has dismissed the SLP filed by the assessee company against the …
Third party statement taken after recording reasons cannot form basis of Assessing Officer’s “reasons to believe” to reopen the assessment – ITAT In a recent judgment, ITAT Delhi has held that third party statement recorded subsequent to the reasons recorded, cannot form basis of Assessing Officer’s “reasons to …
Income Tax Re-assessment notices under old regime period can be issued after 01.04.2021 under TOLA – Supreme Court In a recent judgment, the Hon’ble Supreme Court has held that time extension under TOLA will continue to apply for issue of re-assesment notice after 1st April 2021 if any …
Addition made to income on account of travelling expenses to Pakistan – ITAT remands case to AO for verification In a recent judgment, the Amritsar ITAT has restored the issue of addition made to income on account of travelling expenditure to Pakistan for verification of source of expenditure. …
Order passed u/s 148A(d) set aside as personal hearing was not given to submit objections In a recent judgment, Hon’ble Madras High Court has set aside the order passed u/s 148A(d) and notice u/s 148A for not providing opportunity of personal hearing to submit his objections to reopening. …
Failure to file Form 10CCB with return do not constitute escapement of income – High Court In a recent judgment, the Hon’ble High Court has held that failure to electronically upload Form 10CCB along with its Return of Income within due date u/s 139 would not constitute a …
Issue decided on merits by ITAT cannot again be subject matter of reopening of assessment under section 147 In a recent judgment, ITAT Delhi has held that once the issue has been decided on merits by the Tribunal, being the highest fact finding authority and a categorical finding …
AO obliged to consider the response filed by assessee on e-filing portal though belatedly, before passing the final order – High Court In a recent judgment, the Hon’ble High Court of Calcutta has held that once, assessee files response though belatedly, before passing the final order, the assessing …
Only undisputed tax liability is to be paid before filing appeal to CIT(A)-ITAT In a recent judgment, ITAT Pune has that objective of section 249(4)(a) is to ensure undisputed tax liability is paid before filing appeal. Self-assessment tax paid as per Return of Income is proper compliance of …
Show cause not giving minimum seven days to respond to proposed variation – Assessment order set aside In a recent judgment, the Hon’ble High Court has set aside the assessment order passed by not giving minimum prescribed time of seven days to respond to show cause for proposed …