writ petition

  • GST

In tax matters if appeal provision exists, assessee should be relegated to said remedy

Matters involving tax where provision of appeal is provided, the assessee should be relegated to the said remedy – High…

3 weeks ago
  • Income Tax

Status of Writ Petition filed in Rajasthan/Gujarat High Court for Tax Audit due date extension AY 2020-21

Writ Petition filed in Rajasthan / Gujarat High Courts for extension of due dates for filing Tax Audit report and…

4 years ago
  • Income Tax

High Court declined to direct Director Inv. as petitioner was trying to settle personal score

High Court declined to direct Director Investigation when petitioner was attempting to use the Court as a platform to settle…

5 years ago
  • Income Tax

High Court declines to entertain Writ Petition against income tax penalty order in view of alternative remedy

High Court declines to entertain Writ Petition against income tax penalty order in view of alternative remedy available by way…

6 years ago