Companies Act

  • Companies Act

Filing IEPF-1 Procedure for companies where challans not generated on MCA-21 portal

Filing IEPF-1 Procedure for companies which have transferred amount to IEPF prior to 15.12.2016, through Challans not generated on MCA-21…

7 years ago
  • Companies Act

Companies Registration of Charges Rules 2017-Revised Forms CHG-1 , CHG-4 & CHG-9 -MCA Notification

Companies Registration of Charges Rules 2017 Revised Forms CHG-1 CHG-4 and CHG-9  Government of India MINISTRY OF CORPORATE AFFAIRS Notification…

7 years ago
  • Companies Act

Disclosure of SBN in company balance sheet and auditors report made compulsory

Disclosure of SBN in company balance sheet and auditors report made compulsory Company to disclose details of SBN in balancesheet held and…

7 years ago
  • Companies Act

Related Party Transactions special resolution requirement revised . MCA Notification

Related Party Transactions special resolution requirement revised. Proviso to section 188(1) enlarged making it 10% or more. MCA Notification Section…

7 years ago
  • Companies Act

IndAS-102 Share-based Payment-MCA Notification dated 17/03/2017 Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) (Amendment) Rules 2017

IndAS-102 Share-based Payment-MCA Notification dated 17/03/2017 Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) (Amendment) Rules 2017 MINISTRY OF CORPORATE AFFAIRS NOTIFICATION New Delhi,…

7 years ago
  • Companies Act

CSR-Show cause notices issued to 1018 companies for 2014-15 for violation of the Companies Act 2013.

CSR-Show cause notices issued to 1018 companies for 2014-15 for violation of Section 135,134(3) (o) of the Companies Act 2013…

7 years ago
  • Companies Act

SPICe Form INC-32 for company incorporation with PAN TAN. MCA21 system to auto generate pre-filled application forms 49A and 49B

SPICe Form INC-32 for company incorporation with PAN TAN. MCA21 system to auto generate pre-filled application forms 49A and 49B…

7 years ago
  • Companies Act

Exemption to Specified IFSC Private companies from the provisions of Companies Act, 2016-MCA Notification

Exemption to Specified IFSC Private companies from the provisions of Companies Act, 2016. MCA Notification under section 462 GOVERNMENT OF…

8 years ago
  • Companies Act

Exemption to Specified IFSC Unlisted Public companies from the provisions of Companies Act, 2016. MCA Notification

Exemption to Specified IFSC Unlisted Public companies from the provisions of Companies Act, 2016. MCA Notification under section 462 GOVERNMENT…

8 years ago
  • Companies Act

FAQs-Company Simplified Incorporation SPICe Forms by MCA

FAQs-Company Simplified Incorporation SPICe Forms. MCA has issued a set of 28 FAqs on Simplified Proforma for Incorporating Company Electronically-SPICe…

8 years ago