Tag: agricultural land
Area of agricultural land would still as agricultural land despite expansion of the municipal limit – ITAT In a recent judgment, the ITAT Delhi has held that due to the expansion of the municipal limit the area of agricultural land would still as agricultural land not filing definition …
The AO not authorized to stretch the published census population to an imaginary figure – ITAT In a recent judgment, the Hon’ble ITAT has deleted addition made by AO treating the agricultural land as Capital Asset held that AO is not authorized to stretch published census population to …
Sale of Agricultural land converted into commercial land held non taxable as agricultural operations were continued – SC dismisses SLP of Income Tax Department ABCAUS Case Law Citation:ABCAUS 3702 (2023) (04) SC Important Case Laws relied upon by parties:CIT vs Murali Lodge (1992) 194 ITR 125 (Ker)CWT vs. …
Cash deposited on same day of sale deed execution has a prima facie direct nexus between source of cash deposit and sale transaction – ITAT ABCAUS Neutral Case Law Citation:ABCAUS 3676 (2023) (02) ITAT Important Case Laws relied upon by parties:CIT Vs. Intezar AliShri Pappu Ram Saran vs. …
Land cannot be considered as non agricultural, simply because of a Farm house located thereon . Existence of a farm house cannot change the classification of land ABCAUS Case Law CitationABCAUS 3504 (2021) (05) ITAT Important case law relied referred:Smt. Sarifabibi Mohmed Ibrahim vs. CIT 204 ITR 631 …
Mere reflection of income in P&L Account does not make it business income. Books of accounts not conclusive evidence to determine income under a particular head ABCAUS Case Law Citation:ABCAUS 3102 (2019) (08) ITAT Important case law relied upon by the parties:Sutlej Cotton Mills Vs. CIT, West Bengal …
No exemption u/s 54B for purchase of agricultural land belonging to Scheduled Caste which cannot be transferred unless converted to non-agricultural land. ABCAUS Case Law Citation:ABCAUS 3056 (2019) (07) ITAT Important Case Laws Cited/relied upon by the parties:Mysore Minerals Ltd. Vs CIT 239 ITR 775CIT Vs. Podar Cement …
Sale of land situated within 8 KM of local municipality limit. Difference in certificate issued by Tahsiladar and internet details remitted back to AO. ABCAUS Case Law Citation: ABCAUS 3022 (2019) (06) ITAT This appeal of the assessee was directed against the order of the Commissioner of Income …
Non-cultivation of land due to vagaries of nature will not change the character of land from agriculture to non- agricultural land – ITAT allowed exemption u/s 54B ABCAUS Case Law Citation: ABCAUS 3021 (2019) (06) ITAT During the year, the assessee had sold land and claimed deduction under …
13 tests to determine if land is agricultural or not. High Court declares ITAT order as perverse in allowing capital gain exemption u/s 2(14)(iii) ABCAUS Case Law Citation:ABCAUS 2896 (2019) (04) HC Important Case Laws Cited/relied upon by the partiesSarifabibi Mohmed Ibrahim & Others Vs. Commissioner of Income …