Tag: registration us 12AA
Activity of running hostel by Dental college not a separate business activity and pre conditions u/s 11(4A) do not apply – High Court In the instant case, the assessee had challenged the order passed by the ITAT holding that in the absence of separate books of accounts, the …
CIT exemption cannot sit in appeal against affiliation granted to asseesee by Education Board. Permission examined by board can not be a subject matter of fresh examination by the CIT exemption. ABCAUS Case Law CitationABCAUS 3512 (2021) (06) ITAT In the instant case, the assessee had challenged the …
CBDT prescribes revised procedure for registration of charitable trusts u/s 12A / 12AB, u/s 80G u/s 1023C etc.. Income-tax (6th Amendment) Rules 2021 MINISTRY OF FINANCE(Department of Revenue)(CENTRAL BOARD OF DIRECT TAXES)New Delhi Notification No. 19/2021-Income Tax Dated- 26th March, 2021 G.S.R. 212(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred …
Meaning of genuineness of trust activities – they should not be bogus, artificial or camouflaged and whether in accordance with objects – ITAT ABCAUS Case Law Citation:ABCAUS 3323 (2020) (06) ITAT Important case law relied upon by the parties:Baburam Education Society (2018) 96 taxmann.com 606 Meaning of Genuineness …
CBDT defers requirement of fresh registration of trusts under section 12AB to 01.10.2020 due to Covid-19 Situation The Finance Act 2020 had made changes in the procedure for approval/registration process of trusts, institutions, funds, university, hospital etc and approval in the case of association, university, college, institution or …
Trust set up for providing benefits to a particular community no ground to deny Section 12AA registration ABCAUS Case Law Citation:ABCAUS 3295 (2020) (04) ITAT Important case law relied upon by the parties:Leuva Patel Seva Samaj TrustM/s Ananda Social & Educational Trust In this case, the appellant assessee …
Denial of Registration 12AA for not spending income by trust. CIT to consider issue u/s 12AA(3) if the facts justify Registration – Supreme Court ABCAUS Case Law Citation:ABCAUS 3276 (2020) (02) SC In the instant case, a Special Leave Petition was filed by the Commissioner of Income Tax …
Registration u/s 12AA can not be denied for non-commencement of activities. Registration can be applied for by a new trust. Supreme Court settles the law. ABCAUS Case Law Citation:ABCAUS 3275 (2020) (02) SC Important case law relied upon by the parties:Commissioner of Income Tax-II vs. R.S. Bajaj SocietySelf …
Once registration granted u/s 12A entire receipts can not be taxed as income without allowing any expenses. Disallowances can be made only on violation of conditions. ABCAUS Case Law Citation:ABCAUS 3262 (2020) (02) ITAT In the instant case, appeal had been filed by the assessee against the impugned …
For grant of registration u/s 12A if tax not deducted at source (TDS) from salary or salary paid partly in cash and partly by cheque is irrelevant ABCAUS Case Law Citation:ABCAUS 3259 (2020) (02) ITAT In the instant case, the appeal had been filed by the Assessee against …