Andhra Pradesh Grameena Vikas Bank Concurrent Audit Empanelment 2024-25

Andhra Pradesh Grameena Vikas Bank invites applications for empanelment of Chartered Accountant firms for conducting of Concurrent Audit for FY 2024-25

Empanelment of Chartered Accountant firms for conducting of Concurrent Audit at Andhra Pradesh Grameena Vikas Bank, Warangal.

Eligibility Criteria For Empanelment Of Chartered Accountant Firms as Concurrent Auditors

1. Applicant firm should be either a Partnership or a Limited Liability Partnership, already in the panel of the RBI, which is circulated among Banks for statutory Audit of Banks from time to time. Registration of Firm with RBI is mandatory. The Category of theĀ Audit Firm (viz. l, ll, lll & lV) should be mentioned.

2. Experience as Concurrent Auditors or Statutory Auditors in minimum 3 Public Sector Banks / Regional Rural Banks. While calculating the experience, only experience of the Firm as Statutory and Concurrent Auditor is to be taken and not that of individual partner shall be considered.

3. The firm or its partners have not been the subject of inquiries in the past by the Institute of Chartered Accounts of India as per the provisions of Section 21 of the Chartered Accountants Act,1949, and no such inquiry is pending, initiated, or contemplated by the Institute as on the date of application as well as date of acceptance of assignment

4. Any serious acts of omissions or commissions are noticed in the working of Concurrent Auditors, their appointments shall be cancelled and the fact shall be reported to NABARD and ICAl.

5. Where there are group of firms of Chartered Accountants having common partners, only one of the firms in the group will be eligible for assignment of concurrent audit.

6. The firm would normally be allotted concurrent audit of one branch/ office of the bank but in any case maximum 5 branches/offices can be allotted.

7. Besides Chartered Accountants, the firm should have other qualified and experienced staff, infrastructure and office within an approachable distance from the location of the auditee branch/office to undertake concurrent audit.

8. The firm which conducts Statutory Audit of the bank shall not be considered for appointment as Concurrent Auditor by the bank during that cu financial year and the next year.

Process of Empanelment

The interested firm will have to submit request for empanelment on the enclosed application form as mentioned in Annexure l. The Proposals will be opened and short listed on the basis of eligibility criteria as mentioned in this document. These firms would further be evaluated on the basis of other criteria as may be determined by the Bank.

Submission of Application

1 The application should be submitted in the following format as stated in Annexure I to The General Manger (HR & IT) Andhra Pradesh Grameena Vikas Bank, Head Office, 2-5-8/1, Opp: Life Line Hospital, Ramnagar, HANAMKONDA – 506001 only by postal service/courier.

2. “Application for empanelment of Chartered Accountant Firms for Concurrent Auditshould be mentioned on the envelope.

3. Mere submission of application does not in any way constitute guarantee for allotment of any audit job from the Bank.

4. If the space provided for against any item in the application format is not sufficient, details may be furnished in a separate sheet to be kept attached to this applications.

5. All enclosures must be attested as true copy under seal by at least one partner of theĀ partnership firm.

6. Any change in the application format will result in rejection of the same.

Last Date for reaching application at Head Office is 09.09.2024

Download Application Format and detailed Notification Click Here >>

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