FCRA Associations allowed to file 2nd application intimating change of committee members

FCRA Associations permitted to file second application for intimating change of committee members

Permission given to FCRA Associations to file another application in Form FC-6E for intimating change of committee members even if their one application is already pending on FCRA portal.

The Ministry of Home Affairs has received representations regarding difficulties faced by associates in filing another FC-6E application to intimate change in respect of office bearers or members or key functionaries when their previous application is already pending.

2. As per Rule 17A of the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Rules, 2011 (FCRA 2011), an association which has bene granted a certificate of registration or prior permission under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010 (FCRA 2010) shall intimate through the portal, besides other changes, any change in office bearers or members or key functionaries mentioned in the application for grant of registration or renewal of registration or prior permission, in Form FC-6E within 45 days of change.

3. The matter has been examined and it has been decided that associations can now submit another application in Form FC-6E, even if, an application in Form FC-6E for change in office bearers or members or key functionaries of the same association is pending. Once association initiates filing another FC-6E application, the details/requests from previous FC-6E application shall be auto filled in new application. Thereafter, upon submission of a new application, association’s previous application will be automatically closed with a remark “disposed as closed”.

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