Filing of NIL GSTR-3B Return through SMS made functional at GST Portal

Govt. rolls out facility of filing of NIL GST Return through SMS

Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs

New Delhi, the 8th June 2020

Press Release

Government rolls out facility of filing of NIL GST Return through SMS

In a major move toward s taxpayer facilitation, the Government has today onwards allowed filing of NIL GST monthly return in FORM GSTR-3B through SMS. This would substantially improve ease of GST compliance for over  22 lakh registered taxpayers who had to otherwise  log into their account on the common portal and then file their returns every month. Now, these taxpayer s with NIL liability need not log on to the GST Portal and may file their NIL returns through a SMS.

2. For this purpose, the functionality of filing Nil FORM GSTR-3B through SMS has been made available on the GSTN portal with immediate effect. The status of the retums so filed can be tracked on the GST Portal by logging into GSTIN account and navigating to Services>Retums>Track Return Status. The procedure to file Nil returns by SMS is as follows:

Initiate Nil Filing NIL <Space> 3B<space>GSTIN <space>Tax period
123456 is the CODe for Nil filing of GSTR3B for 09XXXXXXXXXXXZC for period 05020. COde validity 30 minutes
Confirming Nil Filing

CNF <space>3B<space>Code
Ex. CNF 3B 123456

Your 09XXXXXXXXXXXZC, GSTR3B for 052020 is filed successfully and acknowledged vide ARN is AA070219000384. Please use this ARN to track the status of your return
For help anytime

Ex. Help 3B 

To file Nil return of GSTIN for Mar 2020: Nil 3B 07CQZCD111114Z7 032020
To confirm Nil filing: CNF 3B CODE More details 


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