Bar Council of India to have a post of Principal Secretary in addition to the Secretary

Bar Council of India to have a post of Principal Secretary in addition to the Secretary in the Council.

The General Council of Bar Council of India has resolved that there shall be a post of Principal Secretary in addition to the Secretary in the Council.

The General Council has further resolved that any disciplinary action or supervisory work with regard to any of the employee below the rank of Joint Secretary shall be undertaken by the Committee consisting of the Principal Secretary, the Secretary and the Additional Secretaries and the Joint Secretary. All these officers shall have independent charges/responsibilities of their respective departments/duties/assignments and there shall be no interference in the functioning/working of one officer by any other officer. The final decision in the matters of disciplinary proceedings against any subordinate/staff shall be taken by way of the majority of votes, all the officers upto the rank of Joint Secretary shall have one vote each in such matters.

It has been further decided that the minutes of the Council shall be signed by the Hon’ble Chairman on the one hand and the Principal Secretary, the Secretary, the Additional Secretaries on the other hand. A minimum of two signatures from among any of the above named officers would be necessary on the minutes in addition to the signature of the Chairman, BCI.

Any sort of disciplinary action could be initiated or taken against the Principal Secretary, Secretary, Additional Secretary and/or Joint Secretary by the Executive Committee of the Council only. The final decision with regard to any minor or major punishment shall be taken only by the Executive Committee which will need the ratification of the Council.

The powers, functions and the duties of the officers and the staff shall be decided from time to time by the Hon’ble Chairman in consultation with the Chairman of the Executive Committee. The duties/assignments of the staffs will also be decided by the same Committee. However, the concerned officers will only be able and authorize to assign the duties of subordinate staff working under them.

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