Author: administrator

Issuance  of  Equipment  Type  Approval  (ETA)  for  License-Exempt Wireless Equipment Devices

Issuance  of  Equipment  Type  Approval  (ETA)  for  License-Exempt Wireless Equipment Devices Instruction No. 24/2024-Customs F. No. 401/48/2022- Cus-IIIGovernment of IndiaMinistry of Finance, Department of Revenue,(Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs)*********** Room No. 229A, North Block, New DelhiDated: 22.10.2024 To All Principal Chief Commissioners/Chief Commissioners ofCustoms/Customs (Preventive)/Customs & …

RBI updates alert List of unauthorised forex trading platforms

RBI updates the Alert List of unauthorised forex trading platforms. Adds 13th more online portals to the list making list to grow to total 88 unauthorised forex trading platforms The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has added the following entities/platforms/websites to the Alert List of unauthorised forex trading …