ICAI Quick Referencer on IndAS. It provides glance on basic aspects of applicable standards

ICAI Quick Referencer on IndAS. It provides glance on basic aspects of applicable standards 

ICAI Quick Referencer on IndAS

Literature of the Indian Accounting Standards (IndAS) is vast and going through the entire literature when in need of a particular aspect is a practical problem.

Taking cognizance of this practical problem, the ICAI has released a publication named Quick Referencer on Indian Accounting Standards. The said  publication has been brought out that provides a glance on the basic aspects of applicable standards in a summarised manner with an objective to provide a basic understanding of IndASs to the Chartered Accountants (CAs).

Apart from the members, the publication will be very useful for the other concerned stakeholders.

This publication however provides only a glance through the applicable Ind ASs and for a better and detailed understanding of Ind ASs, it is advisable go thoroughly through the entire text of the Standards and publications such as Educational Materials and ITFG Clarification Bulletins

Download ICAI  Quick Referencer on Indian Accounting Standards Click Here >>

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