Timelines for completion of various trademark/patent related acts/proceedings, filing etc.

Timelines/periods for completion of various Patent/ Trademark related acts/proceedings, filing of reply/document, payment of fees, etc 

Office of CGPDTM, Mumbai
Govt. of India


19th June, 2020

Whereas, by order dated 21.05.2020 in the matter of W.P.(C) 3059/2020, the Hon’ble High Court  of  Delhi  has stayed  the effect  and operation  of  Public  Notice  dated  18.05.2020  and  Public Notice dated 20.05.2020 with respect to due dates for completion of various acts/proceedings, filing of  reply/document,  payment  of  fees,  etc. On 17.06.2020, the Hon’ble Court has ordered that the said interim order shall continue to operate and  consequential steps  shall  be  taken by the respondents by issuing appropriate notification on its website.

Therefore, it is hereby notified to all the stakeholders that the Public  Notice dated 18.05.2020 stand withdrawn and timelines/periods for the completion of various acts/proceedings, filing of any reply/document, payment of fees, etc. falling due after 15.03.2020, shall be the date as decided/ordered by the Hon’ble Court.

Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trademarks

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