Revenue Audit Objections-Remedial Action and Appeal -CBDT Circular

Revenue Audit Objections-Remedial Action and Appeal Circular No.  8/2016 F.No.246/95/2013-A&PAC-IGovernment of IndiaMinistry of Finance Department of RevenueCentral Board of Direct Taxes****** New Delhi, 11th March, 2016 Subject:- Modification of Instruction 9/2006 – reg. Instruction 9 of 2006 lays down the guidelines and procedure for attending to Revenue Audit …

CBDT Revised Guidelines for Implementation of Transfer Pricing Provisions Instruction No. 03/2016

CBDT Revised Guidelines for Implementation of Transfer Pricing Provisions Instruction No. 03/2016 Instruction No. 3/2016 F. No. 500/9/2015-APA-IIGovernment of IndiaMinistry of FinanceDepartment of RevenueCentral Board of Direct TaxesForeign Tax and Tax Research Division-IAPA-II Section New Delhi, dated 10th March, 2016 Subject:  Guidelines for Implementation of Transfer Pricing Provisions-Replacement …

Verification of Genuineness of Agricultural Income of more than Rs. 1 crores shown in ITR filed for AY 2007-08 to 2015-16

Verification of Genuineness of Agricultural Income of more than Rs. 1 crores shown in the Income Tax Return filed by the assesses for AY 2007-08 to 2015-16 Central Board of Direct TaxesF. No. DGIT(S)/DIT(S)-3/AST/PIL/2015-16 Dated: 10/03/2016 Verification of Genuineness of Agricultural Income shown in the Income Tax Return …

Taxability of Consortium Members in Large Infrastructure Projects-CBDT Clarification

Taxability of Consortium Members in Large Infrastructure Projects-CBDT Clarification Circular No. 07/2016 Government of IndiaMinistry of FinanceDepartment of RevenueCentral board of  Direct Taxes  North Block, New Delhi, the 7th of March, 2016 Subject: Clarification regarding taxability of consortium members-reg.- A  Consortium of contractors is often formed to implement …