President to award Appreciation Certificate to 44 Officers of CBEC for Specially Distinguished Record of Service. The certificates to be awarded on the occasion of Republic Day 2018
Every year, the officers and staff of the Central Board of Excise & Customs (CBEC) Department are considered for grant of Presidential Award of Appreciation Certificate for ‘exceptionally meritorious service rendered at the risk of life’ and for Presidential Award of Appreciation Certificate for ‘specially distinguished record of service’ on their achieving and maintaining excellence in the discharge of their duties. These awards are announced on the eve of Republic Day.
This year, 44 officials have been selected for grant of Presidential Award of Appreciation Certificate for ‘Specially distinguished record of service’.
These Awardees have been selected on the basis of their exemplary and flawless performance in their respective field of services over the years. The awardees selected this year include the officers and staff working as Principal Commissioners/ Commissioners, Directors/Additional Directors/Additional Commissioners, Deputy/Assistant Commissioners, Superintendents/SIOs, Sr. Private Secretary/ Private Secretary, Inspectors/IOs, Drivers who have been consistently and fully committed to the Department in various fields.
The Awardees’ performance in various fields includes the prevention of smuggling of contrabands and Narcotics Drugs, detection of tax evasion and trade based money laundering, detection of foreign exchange violations by booking / arresting the offenders and seizing the smuggled goods upgradation of anti-smuggling equipment and streamlining enforcement procedures etc. in the department. Besides, many awardees have shown their brilliance and given laudable performance in other fields as varied as tax policy, revenue mobilization, development of software for automation of Customs, Central Excise/Tax & CGST formations, reducing litigations and dispute resolution, effective defence of cases in the Tribunals and High Courts, capacity building and training, as well as skillful handling of administrative work.
The list of Awardees, along with their designation and their present place of posting, who have been selected for grant of the Presidential Award of Appreciation Certificate for ‘Specially distinguished record of service’, on the occasion of Republic Day, 2018 is given below:
1. Shri Shashank Priya, Joint Secretary, Goods and Service Tax (GST) Council, New Delhi.
2. Ms. Neeta Lall Butalia, Additional Director General, Directorate General of Vigilance (DGoV), New Delhi.
3. Shri Bijoy Kumar Kar, Commissioner, Belagavi, Bangalore Central Excise/Tax & GST Zone.
4. Ms. Seema Jere Bisht, Additional Director General, Directorate General of Analytics and Risk Management (DGARM), Mumbai.
5. Shri Yogendra Garg, Additional Director General, National Academy of Customs, Indirect Taxes & Narcotics (NACIN), Centre of Excellence, New Delhi.
6. Shri Vivek Chaturvedi, Additional Director General, Directorate General of Revenue Intelligence (DGRI) (Hqrs.), New Delhi.
7. Ms. Bandhana Deori, Commissioner of Customs (Preventive), Shillong Zone, Shillong
8. Shri K. Ramakrishnan, Additional Director, Directorate General of Revenue Intelligence (DGRI), Zonal Unit, Chennai.
9. Shri Avinash Pushkarna, Additional Commissioner, Customs Zone, New Delhi.
10. Dr. T. Tiju, Additional Commissioner, Central Tax/Excise/GST & Customs, Thiruvananthapuram Zone.
11. Shri Satyajit Mohanty, Director, International Customs Division, Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC), New Delhi.
12. Shri Prashant Kumar, Additional Director, Directorate General of Revenue Intelligence (DGRI), Zonal Unit, Mumbai.
13. Shri Kunduru S.V.V. Prasad, Joint Director, Directorate of Enforcement (ED), Chennai.
14. Shri Rohit Anand, Under Secretary (Anti-Smuggling), Central Board of Excise & Customs (CBEC), New Delhi.
15. Shri Vikas Joshi, Deputy Commissioner, Customs, Central Excise/Tax & GST Zone, Jaipur.
16. Shri A.L Srinath, Assistant Director, Directorate General of Goods and Service Tax Intelligence (DGGSTI), Zonal Unit, Bangalore.
17. Shri P. Prasad, Assistant Director, Directorate General of Revenue Intelligence (DGRI), Cochin Regional Unit, Zonal Unit, Bangalore.
18. Shri Arvind Malhotra, Assistant Commissioner, Directorate General of Taxpayer Services (DGTS), New Delhi.
9. Shri Swapan Kumar Nath, Assistant Director, Directorate General of Revenue Intelligence (DGRI) (Hqrs.), New Delhi.
20. Ms. Veenapani Evarani Bansingh, Assistant Director (OL), Chief Commissioner Office, Rajbhasha Cell, Delhi Zone, New Delhi.
21. Shri Manindra Sarania, Superintendent, Guwahati Customs Division, Shillong Zone, Shillong.
22. Shri N. Siva Kumar, Senior Intelligence Officer, Directorate General of Goods and Service Tax Intelligence (DGGSTI), Zonal Unit, Hyderabad.
23. Shri Neeraj Garg, Additional Assistant Director, Directorate General of Human Resource Development (DGHRD), New Delhi.
24. Shri Gopal Charan Bahubalendra, Senior Intelligence Officer, Directorate General of Goods and Service Tax Intelligence (DGGSTI), Rourkela Regional Unit, Zonal Unit, Bhubaneswar.
25. Shri Bharat Laxmanrao Gade, Superintendent, Mumbai Customs Zone-I, Mumbai.
26. Ms. Bharati Singh, Superintendent, Kolkata Customs Zone, Kolkata.
27. Shri Ravi Prakash Srivastava, Superintendent, Service Tax Policy Wing, Central Board of Excise & Customs (CBEC), New Delhi.
28. Shri Anil Manchanda, Senior Intelligence Officer, Directorate General of Goods and Service Tax Intelligence (DGGSTI), Rohtak Regional Unit, Zonal Unit, Delhi.
29. Shri Mubeen Ahmed Juvale, Senior Intelligence Officer, Directorate General of Revenue Intelligence (DGRI), Zonal Unit, Mumbai.
30. Shri Rashid Ashraf Wani, Senior Intelligence Officer, Directorate General of Revenue Intelligence (DGRI), Srinagar Regional Unit, Zonal Unit, Ludhiana.
31. Shri Saumyes Gobinda Sen, Senior Intelligence Officer, Directorate General of Revenue Intelligence (DGRI), Zonal Unit, Kolkata.
32. Shri Akif Hussain Raja, Superintendent, Mumbai Central Excise/Tax & GST Zone, Mumbai.
33. Shri Allen Rajesh Vas, Senior Intelligence Officer, Directorate General of Goods and Service Tax Intelligence (DGGSTI), Mangalore Regional Unit, Zonal Unit, Belagavi.
34. Shri M.I. Ramachandran, Senior Intelligence Officer, Directorate General of Revenue Intelligence (DGRI), Zonal Unit, Mumbai.
35. Shri Ranjeet Singh, Senior Intelligence Officer, Directorate General of Revenue Intelligence (DGRI), Jammu Regional Unit, Zonal Unit, Ludhiana.
36. Shri Ripu Sudan Kumar, Senior Intelligence Officer, Directorate General of Goods and Service Tax Intelligence (DGGSTI), Zonal Unit, Pune.
37. Shri Ningombam Meiraba, Superintendent, Customs (Preventive) Division Imphal, Shillong Zone, Shillong.
38. Shri X. Sadeesh Kumar, Senior Intelligence Officer, Directorate General of Revenue Intelligence (DGRI), Tuticorin Regional Unit, Zonal Unit, Chennai.
39. Shri Hari Charan Sahoo, Senior Private Secretary, Office of Chief Commissioner of GST, Central Excise & Customs, Bhubaneswar Zone, Bhubaneswar.
40. Ms. Sudha Saini, Private Secretary, Directorate General of Revenue Intelligence (DGRI), Zonal Unit, Lucknow.
41. Shri Sushant Harsh Sabat, Intelligence Officer, Directorate General of Revenue Intelligence (DGRI), Zonal Unit, Ahmedabad.
42. Shri Nand Kishore Meena, Driver Special Grade, Directorate General of Revenue Intelligence (DGRI) (Hqrs.), New Delhi.
43. Shri Chinta Mani Bansal, Driver Grade-I, Delhi Customs Zone, New Delhi.
44. Shri Shyam Sahana, Head Havaldar, Directorate General of Revenue Intelligence (DGRI), Zonal Unit, Kolkata.
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