Correcting JSON file processed with error using GSTR 4 Offline Tool
1) In case of validation failure of one or more details upon processing of uploaded JSON file on the GST portal, status will be updated as ‘Processed with Error’
2) Click the link to Generate error report.
3) Once the report is generated, click link to download the error report.
4) Error report is downloaded in .zip file. Save error report on your system.
5) Unzip the files from .zip folder. To unzip the files, right click on the .zip folder downloaded, and select “Extract All”
6) The Unzipped folder contains two JSON files
a. (returns_ <Date> _R4_ <GSTIN>_offline.json) with records processed successfully on GST Portal
b. (returns_<Date>_R4_<GSTIN>errorReport.json ) with records processed with error on GST Portal
7) Select both the files there and click on open i.e both the error file and the records processed successfully file have to be selected together and opened together.
9) After making the corrections, Validate the sheets. After each worksheet is successfully validated, click on ‘Get Summary’ to update the summary on Home tab.
10) If the summary is satisfactory Click on ‘Generate JSON File to upload’ to generate JSON file for upload of GSTR-4 return details prepared offline on GST portal.