For GST Practitioners enrolled after 24.09.2018 one more exam in December 2018
GST Practitioners enrolled after 24.09.2018, one more examination will be held in December 2018, date of which will be announced in due course – CBIC
The GSTPs covered under rule 83(1)(b) read with second proviso to rule 83 (3) of Central Goods and Service Tax Rules, 2017 are required to pass the said examination before 31.12.2018
Section 48 of the CGST Act provides for the authorisation of an eligible person to act as approved GST practitioner. A registered person may authorise an approved GST practitioner to furnish information, on his behalf, to the government.
National Academy of Customs, Indirect Taxes and Narcotics (NACIN) is authorized to conduct an examination for confirmation of enrollment of Goods and Service Tax Practitioners (GSTP) in terms of sub-rule (3) of rule 83 of the Central Goods and Service Tax Rules, 2017.
NACIN is conducting an exam for ‘Confirmation of GSTP Enrollment’ under CGST Rule 83(3), on 31 Oct. 2018.
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