GSTR-1 Offline Utility for invoice upload available for download. FAQ and step by step guide-user Manual

GSTR-1 Offline Utility for invoice upload available for download. FAQ and step by step guide-user Manual on Invoice Upload-Download Offline Tool 

GSTR-1 Offline Utility for invoice upload

Offline Utility for GSTR-1 for upload of invoice data/other records now available for download on GST Portal 

Returns Offline Tool Version V1.0

Download, extract and run the GST Offline Tool to collate and upload the invoices and other data in offline mode. Download click here >> contains following four files

1. Ten Sample_files (at.csv, atadj.csv, b2b.csv, b2cl.csv, b2cs.csv, cdnr.csv, cdnur.csv, exp.csv, GSTR1_Excel_Template-V1.1.xlsx and hsn.csv)

2. FAQs and User Manual – GST Invoice Upload-Download Offline Tool

3. One Readme (Readme.txt)

4. One GST Offline Tool (GST Offline Tool.exe)

Read the file Readme.txt before proceeding for installation. Double Click on GST Offline Tool to install the offline tool.

Important! Before you extract and run the downloaded file, ensure that the file is not corrupted. How do I know that my file is not corrupt? Click here to know more.

System Requirement

To use the tool efficiently, ensure that you have the following installed on your system:

  1. Operating system  Windows 7 & above
  2. Browser: You need one of these browsers installed on your system.
    • Internet Explorer 10+
    • Google Chrome 49+
    • Firefox 45+
    • Safari 6+
  3. Microsoft Excel 2007 & above
  4. Alternatively , for any below version the tool will open in a default browser.


  • This tool does not work on Linux and Mac operating system
  • Currently this tool is released for GSTR-1 form

When the Offline Tool zip file is downloaded, an excel workbook (GSTR1_Excel_Template-V1.1.xlsx) is also downloaded with it. This Workbook is used to upload invoice data to the tool. Maximum number of Invoice line items which can be uploaded at one time is 19,000.

For uploading data there are four options:

Option 1: Manual Entry of Invoice Data

Option 2: Copy and Paste from Excel Workbook

Option 3: Import full Excel Workbook consisting of multiple sheets

Option 4: Import the CSV file

The multi excel sheet (GSTR1_Excel_Template-V1.1.xlsx) has eleven worksheets covering different tables in GSTR-1. When you first download the excel sheet, there is a header only in each sheet. You need to manually enter the data in these sheets

FAQs and User Manual on Invoice Upload-Download Offline Tool which in in the zip file contains the useful step by step guide on the following:

Uploading Invoice Data using the Invoice Upload/Download Offline Tool

Troubleshooting Common Errors Encountered

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One Response

  1. Devendrabhandari1425 September 7, 2017

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