Cost Inflation Index for FY 2024-25 notified by CBDT. See Up-to-date Table of CII

Cost Inflation Index FY 2024-25 notified by CBDT

CBDT has notified “363” as Cost Inflation Index for FY 2024-25. The increase in CII for FY 2024-25 is only 4.31% or 15 points from 348 to 363 as compared increase of 5.136% or 17 points in the preceding year i.e. FY 2023-24.

Cost Inflation Index FY 2024-25 notified as 363

Question: What is Cost Inflation Index for FY 2024-25?

Answer: Cost Inflation Index (CII) for FY 2024-25 is 363 notified by CBDT vide Notification No. 44/2024 dated 24th May 2024

Question: What id Cost Inflation Index?

Answer: Cost Inflation index is used to calculate indexed cost of the asset for calculation of Long Term Capital Gains. Cost Inflation Index has been defined in section 48 of the Income Tax Act 1961 as the Index which the Central Government may notify from time to time having regard to seventy five percent of average risk in the Consumer Price Index.  

Question: What is Base Year for Cost Inflation Index?

Answer: From Assessment Year 2018-19, the base year of the CII has been raised to 2001 from 1981. Now, cost of acquisition of an asset acquired before 01.04.2001 is allowed to be taken as fair market value as on 1st April, 2001 and the cost of improvement shall include only those capital expenses which are incurred after 01.04.2001. 

Question: How to calculate Cost Inflation Index?

Answer: Income Tax Department hosts an online utility to display the Cost Inflation Index for the year of acquisition and year of sale. 

Question: Whether Cost Inflation Index benefit has been abolished?

Answer: The Finance Act 2024 has provided an option for taxation of LTCG as under:

(a) LTCG tax @ flat 12.5% without the option of Indexation, or

(b) LTCG tax @ flat 20% without the option of Indexation for properties acquired before 23/07/2024

Up-to-date Cost Inflation Indexation Chart / Table from FY 2001-02 to FY 2024-25

Sl. No. Financial Year Cost Inflation Index
(1) (2) (3)
1 2001-02 100
2 2002-03 105
3 2003-04 109
4 2004-05 113
5 2005-06 117
6 2006-07 122
7 2007-08 129
8 2008-09 137
9 2009-10 148
10 2010-11 167
11 2011-12 184
12 2012-13 200
13 2013-14 220
14 2014-15 240
15 2015-16 254
16 2016-17 264
17 2017-18 272
18 2018-19 280
19 2019-20 289
20 2020-21 301
21 2021-22 317
22 2022-23 331
23 2023-24 348
24 2024-25 363

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