Useful Lives for depreciation on intangible assets-Amendment to Schedule-II. Companies not required to follow IndAS to follow 2006 Rules.

Useful Lives for depreciation on intangible assets-Amendment to Schedule-II. Companies not required to follow IndAS to follow 2006 Rules. GOVERNMENT  OF INDIA MINISTRY  OF CORPORATE  AFFAIRS Notification New Delhi, 17 November, 2016 G.S.R.(E) ….In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 467 of the Companies …

No proposal to seal bank lockers and confiscate gold/diamond jwellery-Finance Ministry tweet to clarify on various myths on the demonetisation issue

No proposal to seal bank lockers and confiscate gold/diamond jwellery-Finance Ministry tweet to clarify on various myths on the demonetisation issue Finance Ministry issued series of tweets to clarify on various myths on the demonetisation issue. Ministry said no bank lockers will be sealed. It said enforcement agencies …