Tag: cit revision 263
Assessment Order passed several months ahead of deadline without making inquiries/verification is without due application of mind & in avoidable haste making stronger case for revision u/s 263 ABCAUS Case Law Citation:ABCAUS 3229 (2020) (01) ITAT Important case law relied upon by the parties:Deniel Merchants Pvt. Ltd. Vs. …
Revision u/s 263 done on issues not covered under limited scrutiny quashed as AO had already verified those issues for which limited scrutiny was conducted. ABCAUS Case Law Citation:ABCAUS 3201 (2019) (12) ITAT Important case law relied upon by the parties:Malabar Industrial Co. Ltd., (2000) 243 ITR 83(SC) …
Failure of AO to apply/examine applicability of section 184(5) makes the assessment order erroneous and prejudicial to the interests of Revenue ABCAUS Case Law Citation:ABCAUS 3198 (2019) (12) ITAT Important case law relied upon by the parties:Mubarak Trading Co. v/s CIT, 174 Taxman 339Mas Properties & Developers v/s …
Revision u/s 263 for non initiation of penalty proceedings. It is not open to CIT to exercise revisional powers to create a non existent proceedings ABCAUS Case Law Citation:ABCAUS 3187 (2019) (11) ITAT Important case law relied upon by the parties:Easy Transcription & Software Pvt.Ltd. vs. CIT Revision …
Revisionary order u/s 263 passed in the name of dead person quashed. CIT was not justified in setting aside the assessment ignoring the fact that assessee had already expired ABCAUS Case Law Citation:ABCAUS 3185 (2019) (10) ITAT Important case law relied upon by the parties:CIT Vs. M. Hemanathan, …
Activity of arranging placement for ex-servicemen as security personnel/guards in different organizations was charitable u/s 2(15) of the Income Tax Act ABCAUS Case Law Citation:ABCAUS 3149 (2019) (09) ITAT Important case law relied upon by the parties:Addl. CIT v. Surat Art Silk Cloth Mfrs. Association 121 ITR 1 …
Principles of law and legal position regarding exercise of revisionary powers u/s 263. ITAT explains the twin conditions as laid down by Supreme Court/ High Courts ABCAUS Case Law Citation:ABCAUS 3141 (2019) (09) ITAT Important case law relied upon by the parties:Malabar Industrial Co. Ltd. vs. CIT, 243 …
Exercise of power by CIT u/s 263 is barred when appeal u/s 250 is pending. “record” means what is available at the time of examination by CIT ABCAUS Case Law Citation:ABCAUS 3131 (2019) (08) HC Important case law relied upon by the parties:Malabar Industrial Co. Ltd. vs. Commissioner …
Revision 263 merely for difference in income as per P&L Account & TDS statement quashed as assessment order was not erroneous & prejudicial to Revenue ABCAUS Case Law Citation:ABCAUS 3127 (2019) (08) ITAT Important case law relied upon by the parties:Malabar Industrial Co. Ltd-vs-CIT (2000) 243 ITR 83 …
Revision u/s 263 merely on ground of non-discussion / non-mentioning of reply to queries in assessment proceeding/order is invalid ABCAUS Case Law Citation:ABCAUS 3123 (2019) (08) HC Important case law relied upon by the parties:Malabar Industrial Company vs. CIT (2000) 109 taxman 66 (SC)CIT vs. Krishan Capbox Ltd. …