Tag: disallowance u/s 37(1)
Commercial expediency – Expression “for the purposes of the business” is wider than “for the purpose of earning profits” – ITAT In a recent judgment, Ahmedabad ITAT has allowed an expenses u/s 37(1) considering Commercial expediency holding that the expression given in section 37 “for the purposes of …
Late fee on TDS payments and payment of interest on GST is allowable expenditure u/s 37 of the Income Tax Act – ITAT In a recent judgment, the ITAT Chennai has held that late fee paid on TDS payments and interest on late payment of GST is allowable …
CSR Expenses though not allowed u/s 37 however allowable deduction u/s 80G of the Income Tax Act 1961 – ITAT In a recent judgment, the ITAT Rajkot has held that CSR Expenses, even though not allowed u/s 37 of the Income Tax Act, however, the CSR expenditure is …
Loss incurred for any purpose which is an offence or which is prohibited by law is not deductible irrespective of legality or illegality of the business – Supreme Court ABCAUS Case Law Citation:ABCAUS 3717 (2023) (04) SC Important Case Laws relied upon:CIT vs. Piara Singh 124 ITR 41Haji …
Disallowance of Interest on TDS u/s 37(1) is outside the purview of Section 143(1). ITAT allows interest as business expenditure ABCAUS Case Law Citation:ABCAUS 3712 (2023) (04) ITAT Important Case Laws relied upon :M/s. Hebe Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd.M/s. Govindam Clearing Agencies Pvt. Ltd. Vs. DCITDCIT vs. M/s Narayani …
Harish Salve gets relief from ITAT. Funding education of Indian law students abroad allowed as business expenditure u/s 37(1) as goodwill measure ABCAUS Case Law CitationABCAUS 3462 (2021) (03) ITAT In the instant case, the assessee had challenged the order passed by the CIT(A) in confirming disallowance of …
Expenditure incurred by the assessee towards replacement of machinery with new machinery constitutes a capital expenditure. ABCAUS Case Law CitationABCAUS 3441 (2021) (01) ITAT Important case law relied referred:CIT vs. Sri Mangayarkarasi Mills P. Ltd, 315 ITR 114CIT vs. Sarvana Spinning Mills Ltd., 293 ITR 201.Elgi Equipments Ltd. …
Tax paid in foreign country not eligible for benefit u/s 91 is expenditure eligible for deduction under section 37(1) of the Act – ITAT ABCAUS Case Law CitationABCAUS 3289 (2020) (03) ITAT Important case law relied upon by the parties:Reliance Infrastructure Ltd versus CIT 390 ITR 271Hindustan Construction …
If business not closed down, expenses allowed u/s 37(1) even if turnover was low as it was temporary lull which assessee was trying to revive – ITAT ABCAUS Case Law Citation:ABCAUS 3113 (2019) (08) ITAT The instant appeal had been filed by the assessee against impugned order passed …
Good Work Reward to employee held not constituting bonus u/s 36(1)(ii) and allowable as normal business expenditure u/s 37 of the Act. ABCAUS Case Law Citation:ABCAUS 3078 (2019) (07) ITAT Important Case Laws Cited/relied upon by the parties:Shriram Pistons & Rings Ltd. Vs. Commissioner of Income Tax, (2008) …