Effective assessment through use of departmental database-Task Force Constituted to implement recommendations of the Committee and to submit report by 31st July, 2017
F.No. 225/205/20 17/ITA.II
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Direct Taxes
North Block, New-Delhi dated the 14th of June, 2017
Subject: Constitution of a Task Force to implement recommendations of Committee regarding ‘effective assessment through use of departmental database’ regd.-
The Board, on consideration ofreport of the above Committee, in principle, has agreed to the broad concept of taxpayer segmentation with differentiated treatment and creation of a new ecosystem for conducting scrutiny assessments characterized by end-to-end e-process for scrutiny assessment, flexible function-specific jurisdiction for certain actions and pre-verification of information mismatch before full-fledged scrutiny. While e-assessment is being implemented in phases, in respect of other recommendations, a Task Force is hereby constituted by the Board to examine the feasibility of these recommendations & also to suggest how best to implement the recommendations found feasible, in medium and long term.
ii Shri Sushil Singh Rathore, CCIT, Delhi will be Chairman of the Task Force. The other Members are:
- Shri Binay Kumar Jha, CCIT, Ludhiana
- Shri Harish Kumar, DIT(Inv.), Delhi
- Anuja Sarangi, Pr. CIT, Bengaluru
- Shri .Kumar Verma, CIT, Bengaluru
- Shri Pradip Mehrotra, CIT(ITA), CBDT
- Shri Anand Jha, CIT(IT&CT), CBDT
- Shri Sanjeev Singh, ADG(Systems)-11
- Shri Ramesh Krishnamurthi, ADG(Systems)-III , Secretary
- Shri Rajesh Kumar Bhoot, JS(TPL-II), CBDT
- Roopak Kumar, Add!. CIT, Mumbai
- Shri T.Sankar, Add!. CIT, Ahmedabad
- K.N . Dandapani, JCIT, Bengaluru
iii Chairman of the Task Force shall regulate its work & may co-opt other Departmental Officers also, if required.
iv While giving its recommendations, the Task Force would suggest possible changes in law, adequacy of infrastructure, additional funds for implementing the proposed changes, modification in business processes as well as training and other capacity building measures which may be required to be taken by the Board. As far as possible, a blueprint should also be drawn up for implementation of suggested recommendations.
v. The Task Force shall submit its report by 31st July, 2017 to Member (IT), CBDT .
(Ankita Pandey)
Under Secretary-ITA.II, CBDT
Copy to:
- Chairman, CBDT & All Members, CBDT
- PPS to Revenue Secretary
- All Pr. CCsIT/Pr. DsGIT/CCslT/DsGIT
- Concerned Officers
- Addl. CIT (Data Base Cell) for uploading on departmental website
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