UCO Bank Concurrent Auditor Online Empanelment for FY 2024-25

UCO Bank Concurrent Auditor Online Empanelment for FY 2024-25 the period 01.10.2024 to 30.09.2025. Last date for submission of application is 16.09.2024

UCO bank has invited Expression of interest for empanelment of Concurrent Auditors for FY 2024-25 


UCO Bank Concurrent Auditor Online Empanelment 2024-25

UCO Bonk invites online applications from practicing firms of Chartered Accountants in lndia for empanelment as Concurrent Auditors to undertake Concurrent Audit assignment in in designated branches/ offices through computerized application package and RLHs/AMBs/Service branches. Central Pension Processing Centre, SME Hubs, Treasury, Depository services and HO departments in India through manual process

Link to Apply Click Here >>


UCO BANK invites online application from practising firms of Chartered Accountants in India for engagement as Concurrent Auditors to undertake Concurrent Audit assignment in designated branches/ Offices/ Loan Processing HUBs through computerized application package. The firms who are willing to undertake the audit in computerised application environment have to apply for Concurrent Audit through online application portal

CA Firms not under cooling period ( I.e. no continuous audit for last three consecutive years In any branches/office of UCO Bank) are eligible for applying as per list of branches mentioned in Annexure – 1. For CA firms already engaged with us and not undercooling and their branch is listed in Annexure – II (Branches which are not identified for 2024-25) may apply for branches listed In Annexure -1.

Eligibility criteria for engagement:

1. Applicant should either be a LLP / Partnership firm or Proprietorship, already in the panel of the RBI, which are circulated among the Banks for Statutory Branch Audit of the Banks from time to time. Registration with RBI and category allotted by RBI are mandatory.

2. CA Firms would also be required to submit a declaration that they are full time practising Chartered Accountants, not employed elsewhere, do not have any other business interest with UCO Bank and not a Director in UCO Bank or related to any of the present Directors of UCO Bank.

3. The Concurrent Audit firm shall not have any professional or commercial relationship either direct or indirect with borrowers/ beneficiaries of the branch / department.

4. “The eligible auditor / firm should be qualified under provisions of Section 141 of Companies Act 2013 for appointment as auditors of the Bank. Auditors should not be disqualified under Section 141 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 10 of The Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014 to accept this appointment.”

5. The Auditors’ Services should not have been terminated or stopped by our Bank earlier for (i) want of satisfactory performance or (ii) serious acts of commission or omission or (iii) professional misconduct or (iv) any other adverse

6. If the name of the Concurrent Auditor is appearing in the list of Third Party Entities- TPEs prepared by IBA, or list of entities blacklisted by professional bodies such as ICAI or blacklist of other Banks, then no empanelment would be considered.

7. Audit firms should preferably have qualified Information System Auditor (CISA/DISA) with necessary exposure of system audit. Since all the branches of the Bank are fully computerized, system audit shall form an integral part of audit of the Bank.

8. Audit firm should not have been disqualified by any Bank IBA/RBI/ICAI, while taking-up audit work on earlier occasions.

9. Weightage would be given to the CA Firms where the partners themselves are Ex-Bankers or the firm(s) has got tie-up with Ex-Bankers with requisite experience and exposure.

10. It is to be ensured that the audit firm or any sister / associate concern / network firm is not conducting the statutory audit of the Bank or any of its branches.

11. Weightage will be given to a firm having exposure in conducting Concurrent Audit of the Bank branches for public sector / major private sector Banks.

12. The firm should have necessary office set up and adequate personnel to ensure proper deployment and timely completion of the assignments. The Headquarter or branch of the CA firm should be located at the place for which they wish to take up audit work. Preference would be given to CA firms which are located at the places of our Bank’s Branches.

13. The firm will not be allowed to sub-contract the audit work assigned to any outside firm or other persons even though such persons are qualified chartered accountants.

14. A declaration to be furnished by the firm that credit facilities availed by the firm or partners of firm in which they are partners or directors, including any facility availed by a third party for which the firm or its partners are guarantor/s, have not turned non performing asset or are existing non- performing assets, as per the prudential norms of RBI. In case the declaration is found incorrect, the assignment would be immediately terminated, besides the firm being liable for any action under ICAI/ IBA /RBI/ other Regulatory Authority guidelines.

The panel shall remain valid for a period of one year i.e. from 01.10.2024 to 30.09.2025 unless otherwise advised in writing

Applications are to be made Online. Auditors have to submit o preference of five branches from the enclosed list of branches identified for audit during the year 01.10.2024 to 30.09.2025.

The online application period will remain open from 09.09.2024 lo 16.09.2024 (16:59:59 hrs)

Please note that while filling up online application, the system will display the APPLICATION ID and PASS WORD at the top of second page of online application i.e. after clicking SAVE & NEXT button of first page. Please note the same immediately for your future reference.

After Final SUBMISSION of the application, the system will not allow to edit or modify your application. Please take the print of your submitted application immediately after clicking FINAL SUBMISSION for your future reference and record

No need to send the application by post /mall

No documents need to be submitted with online application. But in the event of any Firm being selected for engagement as concurrent auditor of any of our branches, they are required to furnish printed copy of online application duly signed by the authorised person, self attested photocopies of all documents along with Original documents in support of their credentials furnished in application to their respective Field Inspectorate for verification and record. The originals will be returned after verification.

In case any of the information furnished by the Firm in application found to be inconsistent with Original documents, the selection of the Firm will be cancelled forthwith. Further, if any such inconsistency(ies) noticed subsequent to engagement even post verification of documents, the engagement will be discontinued with appropriate reporting of Firm’s name to RBI/IBA/ICAI etc.

The Bank shall send engagement letters to all selected Chartered Accountant firms through respective Field Inspectorates having jurisdiction over the concerned branches. However, CA firms which do not get our letter of engagement are to be treated as ‘not selected’ and no further correspondence shall be entertained in respect of fate of their application.

For any query on submission ot online application email to hodit.conaudit@ucobank.co.in

Helpline numbers : 033-4455 7873/7849/7967/7376

Please furnish your Mobile No. in the query request tor resolution of issue

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