Tag: sebi circular

Functioning of Stock Exchanges-Clearing Corporations in IFSC-SEBI Circular

Functioning of Stock Exchanges-Clearing Corporations in IFSC-SEBI Circular defining  broad framework for functioning in International Financial Services Centre  Securities & Exchange Board of India CIRCULAR SEBI/HO/MRD/DSA/CIR/P/2016/125 November 28, 2016 All Stock Exchanges and Clearing Corporations in International Financial Services Centre Dear Sir/Madam Guidelines for functioning of Stock Exchanges …

SEBI-Disclosure of Proprietary Trading by Commodity Derivatives Broker to Client and Pro-account Trading Terminal

Securities and Exchange Board of India CIRCULAR SEBI/HO/CDMRD/DMP/CIR/P/2016/49 April 25, 2016 To, The Managing Directors / Chief Executive Officers of All Commodity Derivatives Exchanges and their members Dear Sir / Madam, Sub: Disclosure of Proprietary Trading by Commodity Derivatives Broker to Client and “Pro – account” Trading terminal …